As a company, we take a zero-tolerance stance on plagiarism, and by maintaining fierce loyalty to the identity of our games, we aim to carve our own niche in the public mind-space. That integral reputation starts early, even earlier than a game release. We do our best to be great people, whose ethical behaviours and consideration of others influences the culture of our games. Even in the design of our 'bad guys,' we want our players to know the game was developed with care, and a commitment to representing the identity of characters and the world accurately. It is very possible to take game development too seriously, but we err on that side of the fence, always. We never want to release a game which hasn't been taken seriously
enough, because it will be lacking. We expect of ourselves to be continuously evolving. When we know we can
do better, we
do better. You, the players, deserve that from us. In every game, we want to deliver a one-of-a-kind experience.